This Korean Life

Most Recent: "November, in all its Glory"

So, it's been awhile since my last post, and not out of laziness or lack of anything to talk about. In fact, two weeks ago today I sat down and wrote a blog entry that I never posted for a variety of reasons. 1) I learned from my Japan experience not to just go nuclear over something upsetting, particularly in a very public way that can concern parents and other family and friend-types. 2) Due to various issues at work (which I will discuss in great detail, shortly), I was either too busy or too preoccupied to sit down and write.

The big news that sent all of us teachers into hyperventilation, mass-panic, and never-ending behind-the-back complaining about the management, was a move of our campus to a new location. It will be more than twice the distance to commute for us, and there are no restaurants or banks around the new location.

Those are three pretty big hits considering how: we already work 10 and a half hours each day, the school lunches are usually inedible, and we need to go to the bank several times during the month to pay bills and send money home.

The only positive to off-set losing these ammenities will be teaching slightly nicer environment.

As a result, I think I will try to get into the R&D department at our school. They are remaining in their current location--the building where the school is currently located--and they work shorter days. This would be great for me for several reasons, including being able to study Korean more, and spend more time with the pup.

I'll let you know how this situation continues to develop.

As for everything else, we were hit with a hell of a week last week. Normally, if we have report cards due, it's considered a "busy week." But last week, we had report cards, grading monthly test essays, and an open class to prepare for. Open classes are where the parents are invited to watch what we do in the classroom, which is needless to say, stressful. As an extra joy, one of our teachers is currently in a hospital with a broken jaw, so I was selected to do the open class for her. Despite all of this, I was one of two teachers to get my grades in on time, so gold star for me.

Well, I guess that brings you up to date. It's November now: the days are getting shorter, the weather is getting colder, the initial excitment of being here has worn off, but my mood has not been too bad. The JET handbook talks about October and November being the worst months for culture shock, so I guess I'm doing OK. That said, send love, keep in touch, etc.



January 5, 2011: 2010: A Retrospective

January  4, 2011: "Cold Water in the Face, Brings Us Back to this Awful Place"

December 29, 2010: What a Difference a (Couple of) Day(s) Make(s)

December 19, 2010: Of Doctors and Vets

December 15, 2010: Gutted

December 4, 2010: Please Fasten Your Seatbelts 

November 23, 2010: Chaos Revisited

November 20, 2010: The Dentist and Other Horrors

November  14, 2010: November, In All Its Glory

October 29, 2010: Japan, Korean Style

October 24, 2010: Busan: A Series of Fortunate Events

October 19: The Process

October 9, 2010: The DMZ

October 2, 2010: A Good Week for a Good Week

September 23, 2010: A Man, a Dog, and The Mountain

September 18, 2010: The Royal Pooch

September 17, 2010: I'm not Dead Yet

September 14, 2010: Night and Day, Day and Night

September 13, 2010: Hospital, New Apartment, and Not Yet Settling In

September 4, 2010: A Day in the Life

September 2, 2010: The Typhoon and the Case of the Missing Apartment

August 31, 2010: A Night in the Casino

August 28, 2010: Raining on my Seoul

August 26, 2010: A New Dawn in the Far East

August 17, 2006: Countdown Mode: One Week

August 13, 2010: Riding the Rails

August 9, 2010: Countdown Mode: 12 Days-ish