We jumped in the cab with two other teachers from my school, and upon arrival walked across the street to the clinic. Lina stayed with me and helped me fill out forms, and talk to the doctor when his English was not proficient. Unlike the last time, the doctor (GASP!) actually looked at my throat and immediately made the assessment, "Tonsillitis." When I looked up the ailment on wikipedia later, I discovered that it could be caused by a variety of viruses and bacteria, though the most common bacteria was strep. They gave me an extra large injection of antibiotics, straight in the tuckus. A nurse took me into another room, had me lay down, pull down my shorts, spanked me a few times, and then...nothing. I literally felt nothing. Incredible. Granted, a little while later it was a bit sore, but hey.
They asked me to come back for the next three days for more injections and gave me antibiotics to take home. Even without my medical insurance card, the whole thing cost less than $25. The symptoms have begun to waiver, going from just as painful as before to tolerable. I felt great as I walked out of the doctor's office initially. I had an answer and a course of treatment. They were kind, and I had an interpreter. Finally, I didn't have a sadistic nurse who insisted on redoing my IV after three hours, despite my pleas against it. Hopefully I'll be able to work tomorrow.
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