Wednesday, December 15, 2010


So, I thought I had been very close to landing a job in Daegu. I had a phone interview on Tuesday that went very well, and another in-person interview lined up for Sunday afternoon. After my contact e-mailed me yesterday with directions, I received another one today titled, "Change of Plans." I knew before I even opened up the e-mail, but I read it anyway:
Thank you so much for the time you have put into the application process and your willingness to interview in Daegu. After careful consideration and review, we have decided to pursue other candidates
that more closely meet our needs. Although your skills and experience appear strong, they are not quite what we need to fill the position.

We appreciate your interest in MoonKkang and we wish you the best of luck in your professional pursuits.
I think that's all you need to know. This feels almost exactly the way I felt after not getting the Nashville Teaching Fellows job. I saw a great job, with great prospects for my future, made it far along the hiring process, but not far enough to matter. It's that horrible, empty feeling that you get when you finish just outside of the money in a poker tournament. Played well, but came up short, and ultimately, have nothing to show for it. And I can't help but think, I'm in the same place as I was before I tried at all. I'm not sure what happened between Wednesday and Thursday, and part of me doesn't care. I know not to take it personally, but it's difficult not to.

Worse yet, I'm stranded at school, with no breaks, nowhere to go and clear my head. That is, other than escaping into my own words, as a writer does. Well, as a writer without a writing gig, anyway. This hurts, and my brain has been swimming with ideas as to my next step. If one thing has become obvious during this foray into the Korean job market, I'm not going to be happy until I find a job that is better suited to my strengths and lifestyle. My current job is not it, so I'll keep plugging away until I find want I need. Well, plugging away after a couple of rounds of scotch tonight.

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