Every week tests this balance, and lately it seems that the first option tends to prevail. On Monday I usually feel refreshed and productive. I take Sydney on an extra long walk, and study Korean when I get home. By Wednesday and Thursday, I just want t

As the weekend dawns, I find it difficult to rise with the sun. Many Saturdays and Sundays I have spend the better part of the precious daylight hours lounging around, and refusing to put on pants. By Sunday mid-afternoon my mind clears and I feel human again. Human until the dreaded alarm sounds early the next morning, to begin the week anew.
Perhaps it is the height of winter that is driving me to this unproductive state. Am I driven by some gene buried in my DNA to go into a mild hibernation, to preserve my energy for keeping warm, and wait for spring to arrive? I feel that warm weather and longer days will help in this regard, so I will just have to tough it out for now.
Were this year crammed into a single year, it would be Wednesday morning. While it may not get any easier, the knowledge that I am getting closer to the proverbial weekend will be enough to keep me going.
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