The Qualifications:
- Must be within reason. You won't see "Marry Heidi Klum" or "Win the Lottery" on this list.
- Non-career based. These are things that I want to accomplish as a person.
The List:
- Travel to all 6 inhabited continents: I've been to 4, so I just have South America and Australia to go. 2 continents in 2 years? I really have no excuse with air travel and what-not.
- Write a Book: Possible title, "Why My 30th Birthday Will Suck More than Yours." Or "I Hope the Mayans Stopped Counting out of Boredom."
- Learn Korean: Forget the career and academic ramifications, I just want to know what the hell is going on! It also might help when I try to talk to some Korean girls. Which leads me to...
- Meet a Girl: Just one would suffice.
- Grab a Beer with the Crew*: That is, my high school crew, Renato and Brian. It would be nice if we could be in the same city, at the same time, between now and then.
*With apologies to Tony. If our crew were the Ghostbusters, he would have been Winston. (I would have been Venkman, Renato, Ray, and Brian would have been Egon.)
This sounds pretty good to me. And while not officially part of the high school crew, I would love to grab a beer with you before teh end of the world. (Random thought: Just realized that The End Of The World would make an awesome Adamsian name for a restaurant or coffee shop.)